Women Psychoanalysts in Greece
Athina Alexandris (1925-2019)

Athina Alexandris was born in Athens, where she studied medicine and specialised in pediatrics at the Children's Hospital Agia Sofia. She completed her residency in psychiatry and child psychiatry at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. In the 1960s, she was head child psychiatrist at the Albert-Prévost Institute in Montreal. She received her psychoanalytic training at the Canadian Institute of Psychoanalysis and became a member of the Canadian Psychoanalytic Society.
In the mid-1970s, Athina Alexandris returned to Greece and took part in an attempt to create a Study Group of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA) in Greece. After the failure of the negociations with the IPA, she co-founded, along with Panagiotis Sakellaropoulos, Andreas Giannakoulas, Mattheos Iosafats, and Yiannis Tsiantis, the Hellenic Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (ΕΕΨΨ) in 1977, serving as its president.
In 1982, Athina Alexandris, Peter Hartocollis, Panagiotis Sakellaropoulos, Anna Potamianou, and Stavroula Beratis succeeded in establishing a Greek IPA Study Group. In 1997, the Hellenic Psychoanalytical Society (Ελληνικη Ψυχαναλυτικη Εταιρεια, EΨE) became a member society of the IPA. Yet in 1987, a split occurred when Alexandris and Sakellaropoulos sought recognition as training analysts without fulfilling the standards of the IPA. Athina Alexandris left the Study Group and continued to train psychiatric professionals as a lecturer and supervisor in collaboration with psychoanalytic and academic institutions such as the ΕΕΨΨ and the Psychiatric Clinic of the Aiginiteio University Hospital.
Most of Athina Alexandris' writings deal with fundamental topics such as guilt, the unconscious, supervision, violence, and the role of presence in psychoanalysis and in life. In her recent book on the various disguises of the death instinct (2015), she developed her thoughts based on Melanie Klein's theory. (Top of the article)
- Ψυχαναλυση: Βια σε εποπτειες, σε παιδια, εφηβους και ενηλικες. Athen 2008 [Psychoanalysis: Violence in Children, Adolescents, Adults and Supervision. Athen 2008]
- Ψυχαναλυση: Το ασυνειδητο. Athen 2011 [Psychoanalysis: The Unconscious. Athen 2012]
- Ψυχαναλυση: Η ενοχη [Psychoanalysis: Guilt]. Athen 2013
- Ψυχαναλυση: Η εποπτεια [Psychoanalysis: Supervision]. Athen 2013
- Ψυχαναλυση: Η παρουσια [Psychoanalysis: Presence]. Athen 2014
- Ψυχαναλυση: Το ενστικτο θανατου. "Μεταμφιεση" [Psychoanalysis: The Death Instinct. "Masquerades"]. Athen 2015
- (und Frederick W. Lundell) Effect of thioridazine, amphetamine and placebo on the hyperkinetic syndrome and cognitive area in mentally deficient children. Canadian Medical Association Journal 98 (2), 1968, 92-96
- (and Grigoris Vaslamatzis) (eds) Countertransference. Theory, Technique, Teaching. London 1993
- Bossé, Jean: Présence de la psychanalyse à la clinique de l'enfance et de l'adolescence du Pavillon Albert-Prévost de l'Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur ou une expérience de pratique psychanalytique institutionnelle. Filigrane 10 (1), 2001 (2015-08-06)
- Ελληνική Εταιρεία Ψυχανάλυσης και Ψυχαναλυτικής Ψυχοθεραπείας (ΕΕΨΨ) / Hellenic Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (2024-07)18
- Ελληνική Ψυχαναλυτική Εταιρεία (EΨE) / Hellenic Psychoanalytical Society (2024-07-18)
- IPA: 2019 Obituaries (2024-07-17)
- Kontos, Jannis, et al.: Greece. In Psychoanalysis International, Vol. 2: America, Asia, Australia. Further European Countries. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt 1995, 288-306
- Potamianou, Anna: Grèce. In Dictionnaire international de la psychanalyse (2002). Ed. by A. de Mijolla. Paris 2005, 733f [International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis. Detroit u. a. 2005, 700-701]
- Talfanidis, Konstantinos, and Grigoris Maniadakis: Studying the archives of the Hellenic Society of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. An outline of its historical course. Int Forum Psychoanal 23, 2014, 127-132
- PHOTO: ΕΕΨΨ (2024-07-19)
Stavroula Beratis (1942?-2023)

Stavroula "Avra" Beratis was born in Piraeus. She studied medicine at the University of Athens and specialised in psychiatry and child psychiatry in New York. At the same time, she completed her psychoanalytic training at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute and became a member of the New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. She was an Assistant Professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, where she collaborated with Fred Pine and Paulina Kernberg.
In the mid-1970s, she returned to Greece. Her husband, Nikolaos "Nikos" Beratis, became a Professor of Pediatrics at the newly founded Medical School of the University of Patras in 1979, and Stavroula Beratis an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Child Psychiatry in 1981. She took over the leadership of the Psychiatric Clinic and was a Professor of Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and Psychoanalysis at the University of Patras until 2010.
In 1982, Stavroula Beratis, Anna Potamianou, Peter Hartocollis, Athina Alexandris, and Panagiotis Sakellaropoulos created a Greek Study Group of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA). In 1997, the Hellenic Psychoanalytical Society (Ελληνικη Ψυχαναλυτικη Εταιρεια, ΕΨΕ) became a member society of the IPA.
Stavroula Beratis was a training analyst, supervisor, and president of the ΕΨΕ. Her scientific publications focused on topics such as the psychological problems of children with thalassemia (Mediterranean anemia), suicide and suicide attempts among Greek adolescents, depression, and early symptoms of schizophrenia. (Top of the article)
- The first analytic dream: Mirror of the patient's neurotic conflicts and subsequent analytic process. IJP 65, 1984, 461-469
- The personal myth as a defense against internal primitive aggression. IJP 69, 1988, 475-482
- Suicidal attempts and suicides in Greek adolescents. In D. Papadatou and C. J. Papadatos (eds): Children and Death. New York 1991, 77-84
- Suicide among adolescents in Greece. British Journal of Psychiatry 159, 1991, 515-519
- Psychosocial status in pre-adolescent children with ß-thalassaemia. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 37 (3), 1993, 271-279
- Psychosocial stressor in the conversion of subsyndromal depression to seasonal mood disorder. European Journal of Psychiatry 10 (2), 1996, 118-122
- The quantitative factor in the transformations observed during the psychoanalytic process. Psicoanalisi 10 (2), 2006 + pdf
- (et al.) Development of a child with long-lasting deprivation of oral feeding. J Am Acad Child Psychiatry 20 (1), 1981, 53-64
- (with Joanna Gabriel and Stavros Hoidas) Age at onset in subtypes of schizophrenic disorders. Schizophrenia Bulletin 20 (2), 1994, 287-296
- (and Spyridoula Labropoulou) Psychosocial adjustment of thalassaemic children's siblings. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 39 (7), 1995, 911-919
- (and Joanna Gabriel) Early trauma in the development of masochism and depression. Int Forum Psychoanal 6, 1997, 231-236
- (et al.) Symptomatology of the initial prodromal phase in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin 28 (3), 2002, 415-429
- (et al.) Major depression and risk of depressive symptomatology associated with short-term and low-dose interferon-alpha treatment. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 58 (1), 2005, 15-18
- (et al.) Suicidality in the "prodromal" phase of schizophrenia. Comprehensive Psychiatry 52 (5), 2011, 479-485
- (with Savvas Savvopoulos and Sotiris Manolopoulos) Repression and splitting in the psychoanalytic process. IJP 92, 2011, 75-96
- (and Ioannis Vartzopoulos) Bodily manifestations in the psychoanalytic process. Psa Quart 81 (3), 2012, 657-681
- (with Anastasia Stathopoulou and Ion N. Beratis) Prenatal tobacco smoke exposure, risk of schizophrenia, and severity of positive/negative symptoms. Schizophrenia Research 148 (1-3), 2013, 105-110
- Ελληνική Ψυχαναλυτική Εταιρεία (EΨE) / Hellenic Psychoanalytical Society (2024-07-19)
- Kontos, Jannis, et al.: Greece. In P. Kutter (ed.): Psychoanalysis International, Vol. 2: America, Asia, Australia. Further European Countries. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt 1995, 288-306
- University of Patras: School of Medicine (2024-07-22)
- PHOTO: Film still from The Eighth Conference of the ΕΨΕ, Novembre 2014 (2020-12-28)
Frosso Karapanou (1909-2002)
Frosso Karapanou (Carapanou, Carapanos) was born in Alexandria, Egypt, as the daughter of mining engineer Gerasimos Karapanos and his wife Hermine Mavrommatis. She attended a convent school before moving to Athens in 1928, where she worked at the National Bank of Greece. Her marriage to Dimitris Protekdikos, one of the bank's directors, ended in divorce in 1945. Her interest in psychoanalysis led her to an analysis with Andreas Embirikos, the Greek pioneer of psychoanalysis, in the years of 1943 to 1947.
For further training in psychoanalysis, she left for Paris and started a second analysis with René Laforgue. Simultaneously, she studied psychology at the Sorbonne from 1947 to 1949 and attended the child analytic seminars conducted by Françoise Dolto. In 1950, she went to Geneva, in order to obtain her diploma as kindergarten teacher. She studied psychology under Jean Piaget, and specialised in child psychopathology. Back in Athens, she ran the first psychoanalytically oriented kindergarten in Greece from 1955 to 1958.
From 1956, Frosso Karapanou worked at the Centre of Mental Health and Research (CMHR) in Athens, founded by Anna Potamianou the same year. In 1965, she became head of a specialised unit of psychoanalytic psychotherapy. To continue her psychoanalytic training, she frequently traveled to Paris, participated in seminars of the Société Psychanalytique de Paris (SPP), and had supervision with Serge Lebovici and André Green.
After the putsch of the junta, she moved to Paris in 1969. Supervised by Georges Devereux, she graduated as a PhD with an ethno psychiatric study on obesity in 1975. In 1968 she applied to the Institute of the SPP to be accepted as a candidate and thus finish her training. The SPP, however, insisted upon a new analysis, which she underwent with Denise Braunschweig in the years of 1969 to 1973. Family reasons forced her to return to Athens in 1973. In 1983 she finally became a member of the Hellenic Psychoanalytic Study Group, founded in 1982 and recognised that same year by the International Psychoanalytical Association. (Top of the article)
- Η πρωιμη μητρικη αποστερηση [Early lack of maternal care]. Encephalos 3, 1952/53, 68-80 + ΕΚ ΤΩΝ ΥΣΤΕΡΩΝ 7 (Juni) 2002
- La consultation psychiatrique du Centre d'hygiène mentale et de recherches. Athen 1965
- Réflexion sur le Centre Etienne Marcel. Le Coq-Héron Nr. 7, 1970, 13-16
- Approche ethnopsychiatrique d'un cas d'obésité réactionelle. Phil. Diss. Paris 1975
- Το ανδρικο "φιλοτιμο" και η γυναικεια "εξαρτηση" [Male "pride" and female "dependence"]. Επιστημονικη Επετηρις 7 (1), 1979
- Identité; et identification dans la nouvelle de J. Joyce "Un petit nuage". RFP 48 (2), 1984, 581-600
- Πρωταρχικος ναρκισσισμος [Primary narcissism]. In: IXNH [Tribute - 50 Years After the Death of Freud. Texts from Greek and French Psychoanalysts]. Athen 1992
- (and Anna Potamianou) Genèse et évolution de deux fantasmes au cours de la thérapie d'un enfant psychotique. Revue de Neuropsychiatrie Infantile et d'Hygiène Mentale de l'Enfance 15 (1/2), 1967, 115-133
- (and Anna Potamianou) Langage, désir. In Didier Anzieu et al.: Psychanalyse et culture grecque. Paris 1980, 53-100
- ΕΛΙΑ - The Hellenic Literary and Historical Archive (2017-07-21)
- Ελληνική Ψυχαναλυτική Εταιρεία (EΨE) / Hellenic Psychoanalytical Society (2024-07-24)
- Kontos, Jannis, et al.: Greece. In P. Kutter (ed.): Psychoanalysis International, Vol. 2: America, Asia, Australia. Further European Countries. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt 1995, 288-306
- Vlahaki, Irini: From insanity to mental health - the novelty of the Hellenic Mental Health Center. Ι.Ψ.Υ.Π.Ε. - Mental Health Institute for Children and Adults (2016-04-27)
Anna Potamianou née Pipineli (1926-2021)

Anna Pipineli-Potamianou, born in Piraeus, was married to Charalambos Potamianos (1906-2009), Greek officer and private secretary of King Paul of Greece. She studied philosophy and archaeology at the University of Athens and psychology at the Sorbonne in Paris. In Paris she collaborated with Serge Lebovici and René Diatkine at the Hôpital des Enfants malades. Inspired by their social-psychiatric reforms, Anna Potamianou founded in 1956 the Centre of Mental Health and Research (CMHR) [Κέντρο Ψυχικής Υγιεινής και Ερευνών] in Athens, the first official effort to implement psychiatric reformation in Greece. Serving as its director, she was supported by supervisions and seminars from Lebovici and Diatkine. In 1958 Anna Potamianou graduated with a PhD thesis on the causes of anti-social behaviour.
Following the military coup in 1967, the CMHR
was placed under state supervision. Anna Potamianou resigned and went back to Paris. After a five-year analysis in Athens with Demetrios Kouretas, a pioneer of psychoanalysis in Greece, she underwent a second analysis in Paris with Catherine Parat. She completed her psychoanalytic training at the Société Psychanalytique de Paris (SPP) and became a member in 1974 and a training analyst in 1980. She also trained in child analysis at the Centre de Formation et de Perfectionnement de Psychothérapeutes and in psychosomatics at the Paris Institute of Psychosomatics (IPSO-Pierre Marty).
After the fall of the Junta in 1974, she returned to Greece and resumed her position as director of the CMHR until 1978. In 1982, Anna Potamianou, Peter Hartocollis, Athina Alexandris, Panagiotis Sakellaropoulos, and Stavroula Beratis created a Greek Study Group of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA). In 1997, the Hellenic Psychoanalytical Society (Ελληνικη Ψυχαναλυτικη Εταιρεια, ΕΨΕ) became a member society of the IPA. Anna Potamianou had been a training analyst since 1980 and served as president of ΕΨΕ from 1998 to 2002. From 2005 to 2009, she belonged to the IPA board. In addition to her work as a practicing psychoanalyst, she taught at Panteion University in Athens.
Anna Potamianou was a member of the IPSO-Pierre Marty and the Association Internationale de Psychosomatique Pierre Marty (AIPPM). Psychosomatic topics are also a focus of her publications. In her 2013 essay "Destins et carillons de la culpabilité," she examined the involvement of guilt in somatic processes and diseases. Her book "Hope. A Shield in the Economy of Borderline States" received special attention, in which she described, using case studies, literary examples, and myths, how borderline patients use reality-denying hope as a defense against change and to maintain feelings of omnipotence. (Top of the article)
- SELECTED WORKS (for more, see Cairn.info)
- Τα αίτια της αντικοινωνικής συμπεριφοράς [The Causes of Antisocial Behavior]. PhD Thesis Athen 1958
- Personality and group participation in Greece. Mental Health and Research Publications Nr. 24, 1965, 2-24
- Problems of Mental Health in Greece of Today. Athen 1965
- On ego defenses. Psa Study Child 37, 1982, 421-432
- Les enfants de la folie. Violence dans les identifications. Toulouse 1984
- The personal myth. Points and counterpoints. Psa Study Child 40, 1985, 285-296
- Episkepsis: Pensées autour de la visite d'Anna Freud à Athènes. Rev Int Hist Psychanal 1, 1988, 247-254
- Figurations du Nirvana et réaction thérapeutique négative. RFP 4, 1988, 917-935
- Rêves et somatisation. Topique Nr. 45, 1990, 49-62 [Somatization and dream work. Psa Study Child 45, 1990, 273-292]
- Un bouclier dans l'économie des états limites: l'espoir. Paris 1992 [Hope. A Shield in the Economy of Borderline States. London 1997]
- In exile from the mother tongue. Canadian J Psychoanal 1 (2), 1993, 47-59
- Réflexions sur les processus désinvestissants. Rev Fr Psychosom Nr. 5, 1994, 92-96
- Processus de répétition et offrandes du moi. Paris; Lausanne 1995
- En dehors du temps... dans les figures du mythe d'Hélène: brillance et éblouissement du désir. RFP 3, 1998, 947-955
- De crises et de maladies. Rev Fr Psychosom Nr. 12, 1998, 7-22
- Le traumatique. Répétition et élaboration. Paris 2001
- Pathways of pleasure. The channel of primary anality. IJP 83, 2002, 609-621
- Nachdenken über Ethik und psychoanalytische Institutionen. EPF Bulletin 57, 2003
- Fixations psychiques, liages somatiques. Rev Fr Psychosom Nr. 22, 2002, 151-174
- Frappes et battements d'excitation. Rev Fr Psychosom Nr. 33, 2008, 8-29
- Epimythion au négatif. RFP 72 (1), 2008, 63-74
- Λογος και πραξις στην ψυχαναλυση [Diskurs und Praxis in der Psychoanalyse]. Athen 2012
- Destins et carillons de la culpabilité. Rev Fr Psychosom Nr. 44, 2013, 93-109
- Δονήσεις και δίοδοι – καταμερισμοί και αναθέσεις [Vibrations et passages – partages et délégations]. Athen 2019
- Η ποίησις των ονείρων [The Poetry of Dreams]. Athen 2019
- (mit Jean Guillaumin et al.) L'invention de la pulsion de mort. Paris 2000
- Anna Potamianou: Everyday Violence. Upclose.gr (2013-01-18)
- Bournova, Klio: En mémoire d’Anna Potamianou (1926-2021). SPP (2023-11-07)
- Drosos, Giannis Z.: Άννα Ποταμιάνου, μια μαρτυρία. Αυγή, 05.09.2021 (2024-07-26)
- Ελληνική Ψυχαναλυτική Εταιρεία (EΨE) / Hellenic Psychoanalytical Society (2024-07-24)
- Kontos, Jannis, et al.: Greece. In P. Kutter (ed.): Psychoanalysis International, Vol. 2: America, Asia, Australia. Further European Countries. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt 1995, 288-306
- Obituary Anna Potamianou. Αέναη επΑνάσταση 2021 (2023-11-06)
- Oikonomakou, Katerina: Interview with Anna Potamianou. Eleftherotypia, 5 June 2010
- Sella, Olga: Interview with Anna Potamianou. Parathyri, 21.8.2011 (2013-01-18)
- Stewart, Charles: Colonizing the Greek Mind? The Reception of Western Psychotherapeutics in Greece. Athen 2014 + pdf (2024-07-25)
- Vassiliadou, Maro: Interview with Anna Potamianou. Kathimerini, 1.6.2020 (2020-12-28)
- Vlachakis, Irini: La tradition psychiatrique en Grèce et la transmission de la psychanalyse. Le paradigme historique du Centre d'hygiène mentale à Athènes. Topique Nr. 89 (4), 2004, 103-109 + Cairn.info (2010-02-01)
- Vlahaki, Irini: From insanity to mental health - the novelty of the Hellenic Mental Health Center. ΙΨΥΠΕ - Institute of Mental Health for Children and Adults (2016-04-27)
- Wikipedia: Charalambos Potamianos (2024-07-29)
- PHOTO: Αέναη επΑνάσταση (2023-11-06)
Thalia Vergopoulo (1930-2007)
Thalia Leonidis-Vergopoulo was born into the Greek community in Cairo as the daughter of wealthy cotton merchants. She attended the Achillopouleio Girls' School in Cairo before leaving Egypt. In 1950, she began her psychology studies with Jean Piaget at the University of Geneva. Later, she trained in group analysis with S. H. Foulkes and Wilfred Ruprecht Bion in London. In 1964, she went to the USA for a study visit at the Department of Psychology at Loyola University in Chicago.
In the 1950s and 1960s, Thalia Vergopoulo lived in Athens. Alongside her private practice as a psychotherapist, she worked as a psychologist at the Psychological Laboratory of the Attica Daphni Psychiatric Hospital, at the Athenian Institute of Anthropos, and at the Moraitis School. During the military dictatorship, she was active in the resistance and was arrested. However, she managed to leave Greece and emigrate to Switzerland in 1968.
In Switzerland, Thalia Vergopoulo worked with Jean Piaget at the Centre International d’Épistémologie Génétique in Geneva. She taught at the University of Geneva, from 1968 to 1971 at the Institut des sciences de l'éducation (ISE) and from 1974 to 1978 at the Faculté de psychologie et des sciences de l'éducation (FPSE). At the same time, she completed psychoanalytic training with the Société Suisse de Psychanalyse (SSPsa) and became a member and training analyst of the SSPsa. She taught at the Centre de Psychanalyse Raymond de Saussure and practiced as a psychoanalyst in Geneva from 1975 to 1995.
In 1996, Thalia Vergopoulo returned to Greece and became a training analyst of the Hellenic Psychoanalytical Society (Ελληνικη Ψυχαναλυτικη Εταιρεια, EΨE), where she served as vice president from 2002 to 2005. She was particularly committed to promoting Bion's ideas and organised international seminars and conferences on his work. (Artikelanfang)
- La sensibilisation à la dynamique de groupe ďaprès W.R. Bion et S.H. Foulkes. Médecine et Hygiène 41, 1983, 3149–3155
- La problématique du déni ou "Les enfants qui refuse de marier leurs parents". RFP 50, 1986, 1183-1211
- L'adolescente à la rose. RFP 55, 1991, 1793-1797
- Ο φθόνος δείκτης της επιθυμίας [Envy is the indicator of desire]. Athen 1995
- Panel Report: Bion's contribution to psychoanalytic theory and technique. IJP 77, 1996, 575-577
- La théorie de la pensée en psychanalyse de Freud a Bion. In E. Schmid-Kitsikis and A. Sanzana (eds): Concepts limites en Psychanalyse. Lausanne 1997
- Μεταλλαγές. Από το θεωρητικό στοχασμό στην ψυχαναλυτική διαδικασία [Mutations. From theoretical reflection to the psychoanalytic process]. Athen 2000
- Χαμένα όνειρα, κρυφές επιθυμίες της ψυχής [Lost dreams, hidden desires of the soul]. Athen 2006
- Campos Avillar, Juan, and Hanne Campos: Milestones in the History of Group Analysis. Group-Analytic Society (2024-08-02)
- Dubois, Claude, and Claire Degoumois: Hommage à Thalia Vergopoulou / Zum Andenken an Thalia Vergopoulou. Bulletin der SGPsa, Nr. 65, 2008, 112-115
- EΨE (2024-08-02)
- Fulbright Scholars Directory (2024-08-02)
- Haynal, André, and Claude P. Dubois: In Memoriam Thalia Vergopoulo (1930–2007). Psychothérapies 27 (3), 2007, 197 (2024-08-02)
- Kastaniotis Edtions Athens (2024-08-02)
- Ράλλη, Νόρα: Ενα ξεχωριστό μαθητικό περιοδικό του Αχιλλοπουλείου Παρθεναγωγείου [An independent student magazine of Achillopouleio Girls' School]. efsyn, 25.2.2018 (2024-08-02)
- Université de Genève (2024-08-02)